
退款須知 Refund Notice:

1. 此退款服務僅提供給使用統一超商貨件線上寄件並刷卡付款之現金客戶。
This refund service is only available for cash customers who have paid by credit card through DHL 7-Eleven online shipping.
2. 若您已申請退款,請勿重複使用已申請退款的提單寄件。若想再寄件,請至 7-Eleven代收服務專區
If you have already applied for a refund, please do not reuse the Air Waybill. To re-send your shipment, please visit the 7-Eleven shipping service homepage.
3. 若想取消寄件或貨件不符合DHL Express運輸條款而導致退件,請儘速至退款專區申請退款,若於線上完成提單製作後五日內,您尚未至7-11門市交寄,亦未提出退款申請,則DHL將執行信用卡扣款作業,退款事宜將由專人與您聯絡。
If you didn’t drop your parcel at any 7-11 retail department or your refund request is not received within five days, DHL will charged the payment directly, and if the refund is still needed, DHL finance agent will contact you.
退款申請 Refund Application
Please enter the 10 digit waybill number of the shipment